Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tired, just freakin tired.

Hello everyone.

-sigh- I'm so tired. I ran, I got third, I jumped, I got disqualified. Ohh well. Gah. I'm really tired.
The weirdest thing happened in my life. My testicles started to hurt for no freakin reason for a while, about 6 hours, then it stopped while I was playing chinese drums, WTF IS UP WITH THAT!??!

Just really really tired today. Don't feel like posting much. Gonna summarize it really short today in point forms. Here goes..
- Balls hurt for no reason.
- Got very tired, very VERY tired.
- After school, went for Chinese Drums till' 5PM.
- After 5PM, went for cheerleading.
- During cheerleading, had nothing to do, so I went to play soccer.
- Went back at 6:30PM.
- Stopped for A&W's.
- For some bloody reason. I was given a chicken burger when I said the sentence "I want a Mozza burger set, regular, normal fries." three times, and I was given a chicken burger and CURLY fries.
- Was extremely pissed, but too lazy to turn back.
- Back at home, then blogged.
- Now, going to go to bed. Even though its just 8:30PM.

See ya everyone... -yawn-

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